• Grow your email list with the right people

    Grow your email list with the right people

    A client who has worked with some wonderful people is building an email list from scratch. Typically this could mean sending a boring email to “all your contacts” saying, “hey, I have a newsletter now, please subscribe.” Instead, I suggested they think of the amazing people they worked with throughout the years, and think of… [KEEP READING]


    Got this great question from Christy; why spend money on something that’s not doing anything for you in the moment? My thinking is that Substack could go away tomorrow. [KEEP READING]

  • Don’t get stabbed, make your website the center of your universe, and more

    Don’t get stabbed, make your website the center of your universe, and more

    “I should stab you!” That’s what an old man on the trail said to me today, after I defended myself from his three unleashed dogs with my hiking poles. I don’t care how “friendly” your dogs are, but loud barking and encircling me doesn’t feel friendly. Keep those pups on a leash. See, it only takes one person… [KEEP READING]

  • Don’t waste time entertaining bots on social media

    Don’t waste time entertaining bots on social media

    ◼️ This Monday newsletter is sponsored by dumb wireless, the place to get the Punkt MP02, the Unihertz Jelly Star, the Wisephone II, and more. Use code minimalnewyear for a special discount. Social media got us hooked on the likes. The “engagement.” As users leave, they’ll be less engagement, which could speed the exodus of creative folks on… [KEEP READING]

  • Valentine’s Day, an About Page mini-workshop, outsourcing awareness, and more

    Valentine’s Day, an About Page mini-workshop, outsourcing awareness, and more

    ◼️ Today’s newsletter is sponsored by dumb wireless, the best place to get a great phone without all the noisy distractions. Use code minimalnewyear for a special discount. Hi. The photo above is from a recent trip to NYC, where I lived from 2004-2010. It’s where I left my last full time job in 2006, and I’ve been… [KEEP READING]

  • Death, parents, and gifting your art to a world that needs it

    Death, parents, and gifting your art to a world that needs it

    ◼️ Happy Monday, friends. Today’s newsletter is sponsored by dumb wireless. Use code minimalnewyear for a special discount on flip phones, minimal phones, and even the Camp Snap Camera (a screen free digital camera). This is my first Christmas without my dad, but I’ve got the camera he used to take family photos here with me (along with… [KEEP READING]

  • Spend your time and energy in the right place

    We have people right in front of us – digitally, and in real life. On our existing email list. In Zoom rooms, and Discords. Imagine if we spent our time and energy on them, instead of spinning our wheels on social media trying to impress everyone and no one? [KEEP READING]

  • Hand to Hand Invites

    This from Kinda Conquering Creative Fear with Caroline, “I made a list of every single person I had ever interacted with that seemed remotely interested in hearing more about my music. Then, I contacted them directly via emails, text messages, DMs and face-to-face. I was going to make sure that everyone I could think of was invited, personally, by me to my show.”… [KEEP READING]

  • Don’t stop being around the people you need to be around

    Don’t stop being around the people you need to be around

    Today’s newsletter is sponsored by Shradical, makers of high-performance helmets with built-in front and rear LED lights. Look good, be seen, and stay safe – check ‘em out here. I believe that finding work and interesting opportunities can come from your existing contact list and network. The creative people in your orbit. Since I started playing music… [KEEP READING]

  • Build a path that leads to your creative dreams instead of social media likes

    Build a path that leads to your creative dreams instead of social media likes

    Hello and Happy Friday, thanks for reading. Uncle Seth here to guide you through four things that may help you move your work forward. Also, the replay for yesterday’s Escape Pod is available here. Upgrade to a paid subscription and join our weekly calls! // FOUR THE WEEKEND 1. SPEND LESS TIME ON SUBSTACK NOTES (AND SOCIAL MEDIA) I… [KEEP READING]