Hello! In this email I’m answering a question from reader LT, and hoping it’s helpful for everyone, too. If you ever have a question, just reply to any email, or email me at seth@socialmediaescape.club
Q. Best ways to get people to sign up, besides orders?
A. Send a newsletter people want to sign up for!
Figure out why someone should sign up for your email list.
This is your “lead magnet,” which is a horrible term used in the email marketing world, but it works.
Don’t just say, “sign up for tour dates,” say, “sign up to see photos from our last tour,” which then gets people to subscribe. Then you eventually send them your new tour dates.
As I recently wrote, “consider starting a newsletter for something adjacent (and more popular) to what you’re doing, and then you’re able to promote your main project just by association.”
If you’re a guitar player, and you nerd out with effects pedals, start a newsletter talking about your favorite gear. Your current set up. Talk to other guitarists (from other bands) about their effects pedals.
If you’re an artist, highlight some of your favorite album covers, or show posters. Swap emails with other artists and present them as interviews.
Think about everything surrounding what you do and consider using that as the focus of your newsletter. That’s your lead magnet for your email list.
Even the stuff you’re already posting on social media can be your lead magnet. As I wrote in 2018, from ‘What Would I Even Put in an Email Newsletter?’
For years you’ve been providing social media networks with your content for free, willy-nilly. You, and 324328 other bands and labels and distros and brands. All those behind the scenes photos, updates from the road, show reports, new product announcements.
Yeah, that’s the stuff you put into a newsletter. Then you start “sharing” less of that on social media.
What gets you the most engagement on social media? Use that. Keep posting a few of those things, and sneak in something like, “hey, sign up for my newsletter for more.”