Talk to people, and make it easy for people to reach you

1. Skip the self-checkout

This came up in our Escape Pod Zoom call this week, as a way of breaking away from our isolation and the ease of “not talking to others.” If you’re able, stand in line and wait (maybe without looking at your phone), and make small talk with the person helping you. I did this a few hours after our call and it was a delight.

“Buying things in stores is a simple trick I use to spend more time offline and increase my chances of chatting with real humans. Win-win. Nobody said real life would be easy.”

From Mehret Biruk’s ‘How to live without social media.’

Q. Could making small talk help us get better and talking about our own work in bigger settings?

2. About Page collaborative workshop?!

I’m thinking of making a collaborative workshop, instead of me just blabbering on for an hour.

Talk for a bit, we work together, talk for a bit more, share our work… if that sounds like a productive use of your time, click here to add your name to the wait list and I’ll let you know when it’s ready to launch.

P.S. this will be for your about page anywhere, not just on Substack. Your website also needs a nice about page!

3. Trust that the kids are alright

Kamilah Jones of Hard Decora passed along this video after this week’s Escape Pod Zoom call, basically telling me “don’t worry, the youth got it!” I’m a believer.

Q. Are you comfortable saying you’re an artist, and not a content creator?


Next call is Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 2pm EST– click here for more info.

4. Make it easy for people to contact you

This advice might not be for you you, and that’s fine – skip this and have a great weekend!

Sending an email to someone whose work you admire feels good, and it can sometimes lead to opportunities.

But I bet if you start doing this you’ll run into a common problem – most people don’t list their email address anywhere.

There may be reasons for this, notably avoiding harassment from creepy men (SIGH), but… if you’re up for it, try to have an email address that can receive inquiries from other artists, companies, art directors, and more.

Yes, DMs on social media can work, but not every artist, company, or art director is hanging out on social media everyday, but they’re all checking their email around the clock, I assure you.

So, be reachable. Have an email address. Make it easy for people to say they like your work, give you money, and/or hire you.