I Misspelled The Client’s Name
A few years back I sent out a company-wide email for a client. After I hit send, a few emails came in. I spelled the company’s name wrong in the FROM field. I didn’t get fired, chewed out, no one unsubscribed. Life went on. Was I bummed? Absolutely. But it’s a learning experience. Every show… [KEEP READING]
Good Subject Lines Get Opened, Better Subject Lines Pay Rent
The subject line of your next email campaign competes with the subject lines of everyone else in your subscribers inbox – so it’s worth taking a minute (or 30) and getting it right. I always recommend sending weekly emails (“your fans subscribed because they love you, and want more of you”) so you can find… [KEEP READING]
Someone just signed up for your email list. Make sure you’re including links to “old content” in every email. Promote your hot new thing, of course, but remember: not everyone opens every email. Your most die-hard fans are busy, and missed your last two (or three) emails. I’m not saying pack each email full of links,… [KEEP READING]
How to Not Lose $1,000
TO: folks that still haven’t started their email list, or are bummed at their “low” subscriber count:SUBJECT: What’s the best way to learn how to not lose $1,000? Lose $1,000. In 2010, before I left NYC with just my bike and the stuff I carried in my messenger bag, I read a lot of “how… [KEEP READING]
What To Even Write?
Social media is how we reach our fans, right? How can we ever decrease our social media time?! Consider this – all your fans don’t follow you on Twitter. You realize there are people out there that don’t “get” Twitter, right? There’s people who’ve ditched Facebook and Instagram for, umm… reasons. And TikTok, which is now… [KEEP READING]
More Clicks, More Drop Offs
When asking any web surfer to click a link, you will see a drop off. Let’s say you post a link to buy your new shirt, and 100 people click that link. Now they’re on your shirt page, and have to click a shirt size, then add to cart. If 25 people even get that… [KEEP READING]
Something Is Coming!
I keep seeing the Tweets, and the IG stories… “something is coming!” Maybe it’s a new song.A new video.New merch drop. You got lucky if 5 or 10 or 25% of your audience saw your teaser. “When you’re ready to release your hot new song, you have to start the attention-roulette game all over again,”… [KEEP READING]
Joan Pope Talks About Her Weekly Newsletter
This week SOCIAL MEDIA ESCAPE CLUB speaks with artist, musician, and video editor Joan Pope about her weekly email newsletter Week in Review. Pope’s creative output is epic, and as she explains how a trusty email newsletter keeps her fans in the loop with everything she’s creating on a weekly basis. How long have you been… [KEEP READING]
Prosthetic Records Building Their Email List
This is how you start, heavy metal friends. As a label, you got information – new releases! Band signings! Deals! Do this once a week, bare minimum. Two or three times a week preferably. Stop worrying about coming off as spammy, because if you’re lucky at the most 5% of your followers will see any… [KEEP READING]
Quit Stalling And Start Your Email List
The stories we read, the big press items, the articles that go viral – they’re basically all text, an image, and some more text. We’re all just moving images and text the internet. All that to say, your email newsletter doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel. An image, followed by some text. Just like… Instagram.… [KEEP READING]