Make your own Twitter, provide a great night out, and more

Today’s newsletter is sponsored again by Jelly. Instead of sharing an email login for customer support duties, get your team on Jelly, a shared inbox solution with plans starting at $29/month for your whole crew. Use code ESCAPECLUB15 to get 15% off Jelly for your first year.


I found this clip of Quentin Tarantino railing against the current movie industry, via Ted Gioia’s “The Infrastructure of the Recording Industry Is About to Fail.”

Making movies is a much lower priority. Films are just too risky—especially anything fresh or different or daring.

It’s gotten so bad that filmmaker Quentin Tarnatino now says that he would rather write a stage play…

What I love about this bit is giving the audience a great night out.

Yes, it’s always about the art, of course.

But putting your art into a new setting (in this case, Tarnatino doing theater), makes for a great experience for the audience, which is energy, which is what any artist wants to feel when displaying their work.

Below you can see olivia rafferty performing at a museum in front of a T-Rex.

Playing in a museum on a Friday night is not the same as playing a bar on a Friday night. Put your work in front of different crowds and see what happens.

Where can you showcase your magic in a new way? How can you go about displaying your work in front of people more willing to accept it?


◼️ Feb 13th at 2pm EST

◼️ FREE with a “Pay What You Want” option if you’d like to support this work.


Tim McFarlane Studio was part of Tiny Room For Elephants (TRFE) in Philadelphia, PA in years past. It was an event that combined multiple artists making work while musicians and DJs and producers performed live at the same time.

Tim brought elements of that into his own studio by inviting local producer / musicians into his studio to make music while he made art.

Read all about it here.

Are there ways you can combine your work with someone else’s work?


I read Hacker News because I have a geeky computer background (anyone remember the HotDog HTML editor?), though honestly these days I don’t understand 80% of anything on there.

That said, when I saw ‘The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter’ I knew I had to check it out.

Turns out they made their own Twitter-like feed on their own website, where they can post all their bits and bops (they called it “micronews”).

You can have a section on your own website, with your own domain name, where you can post your thoughts, and dreams, and links to cool things, and embed fun videos.

Don’t make your fans visit toxic platforms to find your regular updates, but instead invite them to your website.